Document Management, Imaging, and Archival Systems

Document Lifecycle Management

Long term management and protection of your documents

Businesses frequently operate in industries and geographies that demand strict adherence to the disposition of documents based on age and/or event triggers, (e.g. ensuring a separated employee's personnel folder is retained for a certain number of years after they have left the organization).

Manually searching through and removing documents in accordance with policies and retention schedules is a complex, costly and highly error-prone process. Getting this wrong opens organizations up to potentially debilitating compliance issues that may stem from external regulations, audits or legal discovery.

Alchemy solves these problems by removing documents or folders of documents from the repository based on age, defined metadata values or both. This simple yet highly flexible model enables organizations to automate document retention and disposition. Depending on the needs of the business, documents that meet certain criteria can be removed or copied/moved to another Alchemy repository. Reports can also be defined to detail documents that are becoming eligible for retention, ensuring that a manual override can be put in place should a document need to be removed from the records retention plan.


  • Simple setup: Administrators can set up most elements of a retention plan on a single screen
  • Age-based retention: Remove documents based on a simple timer
  • Rule-based retention: Remove documents through metadata evaluation
  • Combination document retention: Use age- and rule-based retention in concert for granular retention requirements
  • Disposition reporting: Understand what is going to be removed and when


  • Confidently respond to information requests and mitigate legal or regulatory issues.
  • Reduce governance risks associated with the removal of documents ahead of mandated retention periods.
  • Avoid compliance issues related to keeping documents past their prescribed retention schedules.
  • Transform your records management in the long term without increasing your IT or adminstrative overhead.