Mass Storage Hardware & Support - DISC DVD/CD/Blu-ray Recordable Jukeboxes

  • DISC ArXtor Series : The new DISC ArXtor Series of iSCSI-based automated Blu-ray libraries provides cost-effective and innovative solutions for creating and managing intelligent digital archives. Easy to install, operate and manage, the ArXtor Series provides maximum flexibility in a wide range of storage capacity-based models. Regardless if you are implementing a local LAN, WAN, private or public CLOUD archive strategy, the ArXtor Series is a cost-effective 21st Century green storage technology solution.

  • DISC BD Series : With Blu-ray technology at its heart, the DISC BD Series provides BDXL optical storage technology with 50+ year media life, scalable design and true green storage. Capacities start at 5TB scaling to 70TB in a single unit.

  • DISC DVD Series : To ensure investment protection for our DVD customers we still offer DVD libraries based on our DISC DVD Series.